Thursday, 24 March 2011

Evaluation question 2 :How does your media product represent particular social groups.

Allot of the time, people are generalized on the products they consume (for example, someone who drives an expensive sports car would be seen as rich and succesful).

In the case of this magazine where it focuses on such a niche genre, I believe it represents the niche audience who would fall into the phsycographic group of "Explorers" who, in brief, means consumers who explor "new frontiers" as well as their brand choice highlighting difference. As well as this, the age group they fall into is "young student" which is in the same range as my target audience. My niche product also seperates my audience from the biggest psycographic group, the "mainstreamers" who are seen as the mass audience usually consuming what the majority choose. As Dubstep has not yet entered the mainstream market, it is extremely likley that niether will my magazine.

As well as the genre my magazine focuses on, the content of my double page spread also represents my audience in way that readers are not just followers and fans of the style of music, but also creaters. The article guides readers on how to start out becoming Dubstep artists themselves. This represents the audience as being part of the Dubstep community not just as fans/followers but also as creators and artists.

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