Monday 14 February 2011

Questionnaire reseach

Q1.What is your favourite music genre?
• Rock
• Pop
• RnB
* Soul
* Dub Step
* Blues
* Funk
* Jazz
* Grime

Q2. Do you read any magazines focussed on your prefffered genre?


If "No" would you be willing to read a magazine on your favourate music magazine?


Q3.What interests you when choosing a magazine a music magazine?

*Free gifts

Q4. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?

* £1-£5
* £5-£10
* £10-£15+

Q5. Do you feel that there is a variety of magazines dedicated to your favourate genre?



Questionnairre results analysis

Questionnaire results analysis
After distributing my questionnaire to 20 students aged 14 to 18, I analysed the results I got back to help me determine the aspects of my magazine such as genre, colour scheme, and price.

Question 1: Favourite genres
When asking participants about there preferred music genre, the two most popular genres were RnB (taking 35% of votes) and Dubstep (taking 30% of all votes). The results for all genres is as follows:

At this point of result analysis, I was considering choosing RnB for my magazine.

Question 2: Whether candidates read or not and willingness to read

When asked this question only 20% of the candidates answered yes to reading magazines on their favourate genre. However, when asked on their willingness to reading a magazine on their favourate genre, a large 85% answered "yes". This meant to me that candidates wanted to read about their favourate music genres however, their was a missing element of current magazines which didn't attract them to read meaning I had to find this missing element with the help of my next question.

Question 3: Attractive elements of a magazine

When asked which element attracted the target audience, results from candidates was balanced (with the exeption of free gifs) as shown by the graph below:

This showed me that I need to keep an even balance of appearance, content and good pricing so audiences would be attracted to the magazine. This fairly even balance between the three aspects is most likley the missing element to attract the target audience.

Question 4: Pricing

Out of the given price ranges, the most popular pricing range was £1-£5 taking around 80 % of votes.

Of course because of this result, the magazines price will fall into the range at £4.50.

Question 5: Variety issues

For almost every genre, candidates stated that there was variety in the magazines dedicated to them. However, an large 95% of candidates who favouated dubstep as their music genre stated there was no variety in magazines dedicated to dubstep which is understandable as dubstep has quite a niche audience. However, over the past few years, dubstep has become more and more popular and is starting to enter the maistream market. Because of this I have decided to focus my music magazine on the genre of dubstep.

1 comment:

  1. Where is you analysis of data - how does it influence your magazine?

    Minimal research!
