Monday 14 February 2011

Possible Magazine Names

• CLEFF- Although it relates to music we do not feel it relates to dubstep specifically but instead, it seems to be linked to a magazine which is more primarilly focussed on classical music.

• BASS-Bass is a common element of dubstep which is recognisable to dubstep fans.

• B4L ‘BEATS 4 LYF’- The abbreviation used relates back to the electronic theme of dubstep aswell as being linked back to texting which relates to text abbrevition appealling to a young audience.

• TCLEFF ‘TREBLE CLEFF’- Again, just like cleff, it is not specific to the dub step genre. It suggests music and links back to classical music. This may suit a music magazine but may be a little obscure for a dub step magazine.

• NOTE STORM - The word storm suggests the loud nature of dubstep, it has connotations of a wild fury which would link with some of the key ideas I would like to represent in the magazine. The word note obviously links to music. We felt that as a music magazine name it lacks focus and does not suggest enough about the type of music from the title. This is something we thought was really important in the magazine name.

• CRECENDO - Again another suggestion which focuses on music however the name relates to music in general and not dub step.

• COMPOSITION - This would not suit a dubstep magazine and suggests more at composing music.

• MUSIC DOC - The word doc links with the idea of a saved file on a computer - this has suggestions of electronic music and the way music is created. However it seems to focus on all electronic music e.g.techno and not dubstep specifically.

1 comment:

  1. Minimal work on drafting here - why have these names been chosen - how do they link with the target audience?
